The Dithariska :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

heart ,heart, heart

   I tought that it's been so long , teardrop, laugh, angry , jealous, cry, upset, dissapointed, annoyed, happy, and many things. Colourful !
yeah , and i know then wherever you decide to go, to stay or to go .. I am still with this heart . whatever you want to do, to love or don't love me.. I am still keep this love . whenever you say , to keep or to leave .. I am still for you . Trust me .

h a p p y  2 9 ' s  d a y

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

la la la

Lily Allen-Littlest Things

I'm absolutely fine

You've seen me cry too many times

so not this time, no not this time
i don't know how I'm meant to feel anymore

'Cause I'm being taken over by fear

if we take a conversation, i don't know what to say

i just thought 'so be it'

oh , i know it's so wrong.

shame for me

could we go back to the start?

if it couldn't why don't I just completely ignored you ?

Because I know you'll always love me very much hahaha

 that's the funniest one

I don't know why I felt the need to keep it up for

                                                       oh, it's so long

   Why can't I sleep at night,

   Don't say it's gonna be alright,
 everythings will be fine

 or everythings is under control

 not yet, it's not accepted no more

 nothing's gonna be right

                                                      you treats me with respect, but i treats you with upset

         you said love and for sure it made me well,

         but i always made you unwell

         you liked to make sure that im fine, made me feel quite
         so secure

         but me ?

         nothing i've done for you .
   It's all my fault

   I'm sorry you did absolutely nothing wrong

    All the pain I've caused you

   it's not fair

 ya, ya, ya not fair for you

                                       so its apparently its all over

Saturday, June 5, 2010



X : " Km masih bt ya ? jangan kesel terus dong."
Y : " Ga kok "
X : " Ya udah lah , ak ga tau msti gmna lagi "
Y : " Ya"
X : " kayak nya emang ga bisa lagi deh, ya udah lah sampe sini aja .
       km juga ga btuh aku, drpd gini terus. makasih ya buat semuanya
       km udah baik sama aku,
       tapi sorry ak belum bisa bikin km seneng ( : "
Y : " Yakin ? "
X : " Yakin kok ,kita tetep temenan ya :)
Y : " Ya udah "


   This is just a reminder  to tell you that I still care. I remember all the times, how you used to read my mind.
Memories of days gone by . It's been so long, I have passed one year without you, and it bring me a lot of PAINFUL. Losting you like something's taking over me .I was lost too couldn't find my way

   if i could in that times i wanna say 'I don't want to fight again tonight about the little things, please baby i never meant to drive you away from me .I'm no angel my selfish pride, but I do love you more everyday '. Like a radio, if i could i wanna rewind that time and keep you , hold you and never let you go. It seems too far for me,  i think i'll be getting some but all I know is you're the one for me.

   You know, every girls always dreaming that they will be found someone who can stand by them. So am i , i am dreaming that one day i will celebrate my anniversary's relationship . Of course just with YOU . you got a strange way of showing love and affection

    Sometimes what do you want is not what you get .I never hate that date, because that's our memories too. i just wait maybe i can fix that date by being apart with you again. Coz now I know for sure how much you really mean to me and 'till that times come to me, im still standing here . I'm just waiting here daydreaming about you.  Here i am, Waiting you come back .

  Yes you are ! that special kind of boy in my life . I wanna hug you ,boy. In my heart and in my head it's so clear now. Now I see what word 'YOU' means. Sure , i have many dreams, and you're the KEY to get my dreams .You complete me .

   I understand things are different now, but I think somehow we could turn back the hands of time like it   was nothing.  Because, i like the way you put it on me. I can't seem to tell you good bye .I can't deny the way that I'm feeling . it's true, so boy that's why I'm asking you.

  To get me in
  In into you


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

untuk lelaki di seberang sana

   Ini terakhir kali nya mungkin gue nulis ginian, gue gak tau mau bilang caranya gimana gue harap dia baca dan gak terus kesel, supaya dia tau gimana takut nya gue tiap dia kesel . Gue yang salah, gue yang kayak anak kecil , dapet kesempatan deket sama lo lagi udah hadiah paling indah buat gue .

   Gue cukup tersiksa kok, bukan karena lo nyiksa gue, tapi karena gue tau gue ga bisa bikin lo seneng :(. Gue ga mau liat lo bukan karena gue benci , tapi karena gue takut pas gue liat lo ternyata ga ada senyum lagi buat gue .
   Gue ga mau terus- terusan bikin kesel , ga ada maksud . Sumpah . Gue sayang, tapi ya gimana kalo terus bikin lo kesel ,gue ga ngerti mesti apa . yang jelas mau kayak apa nanti nya , ga pernah sedikit pun gu ngapus lo dari otak gue . Gue sayang lo , jujur :( .

   Gue sedih kalo lo sedih , gue sedih tiap baca sms lo yang nunjukin lo ga butuh gue , gue sedih ga bisa sama-sama lo terus, gue sedih tiap mikirin yang dulu- dulu . hahaha. mau bikin kebun strawberry di belakang rumah , mau gemes , mau nikah lah , gue kangen pasti deh . Gonna missing you ,pan .

our story

they meet and then fall in love :))

play together
, laugh together
do what they want to do :)

they smile in the same time ,
 smiling at their dreams :)) 

then, two becomes one
2 ----> 1

however the fact is nothing last forever ...
but finally
they live happily ever after :))


This is our sweet memories ya, i drew it by myself, everything about you. i want to make you understand this powerful feelings :(

 Panda panda panda panda panda , i really love you, pan .
sungguh . gak bohong . :((

liat nomor di celananya, aku ganti.
haha, seenak nya ya di ganti -ganti supaya aku tenang
seakan -akan kamu bener- bener sayang sama aku

Inget ga ? ini pas kelas satu , candid ya .
liat ga sedeket apa di situ ,aku KANGEN :(
no one can't replace you. Promise !

long time no see . Love this pict .:))
foto pertama berdua .

siapa itu ? Y. A. H dong .

i won't forget , promise . :((

The boy who i love , who i caring for, who i give my heart for .
i heart you <3 don't be afraid , no one just you
thanks for all :)
thank for our story, our laugh, our dreams,
thank for the lessons how to be a good girl
thank for the memories
thank for comin to my life, you change me already
i won't forget you
i just let you go
now find your happiness :))


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Piyu- piyu lucu

Hari ini nulis lagi ya , mau cerita tadi kan gue pulang sekolah ngumpul dulu sama anak-anak cacat mental (hahahahhaha) iss apa sih crunchy banget, pokok ny tadi gue sama yang lain (V,J dan I ) ketawa ngakak, bener-bener ketawa gara- gara untuk kesekian kali nya kita mencecar si sitohang gila .
Masa katanya si M yang inisial nya Monica prima sitohang , dia mau ganti nama twitter jadi 'Akyuu MonMon Qiyuth'. HHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
 jijik banget deh ah .
terus ada yang nyeletuk ga tau siapa bilang gini :

X : ha ? apaan ? Qiyuthh ? Qiyuth apa QISUT ? HAHAHAHAHA
Astaga , gue ga maksud deh cuma nyeletuk tadi . Tapi belum selesai sesi penyiksaan nya , dilanjutin lagi ke part 2 .

Part 2
X : Jangan ah , ika ganti namanya jangan itu , tapi ' Akyuu PIyU- PiYu LutttHu !!' ..
     HAHAHA ( Sumpah jahat abiss )
Y : Piyu - piyu ? piyu apa Peyot ?

Part 3
X: Jangan , dia ganti nya ini aja ' akyuu LitTle KerO- Kero piiii '
Y : apaan sih ? Kero-kero ? kerokan sampah kali .


                                                                         Foto korban

Tapi apapun yang terjadi
WE LOVE YOU, IK !! :)))