The Dithariska :)

Monday, May 31, 2010

Terharu dong !!

Harusnya malem ini gue belajar karena besok masih uas, tapi gapapa pengecualian karena hati lagi gundah gulana ( gaya banget ). Gue cuma mau menyampaikan permohonan maaf sama temen- temen gue , ahahaha asik abis ( pasti lo pada seneng kan bacanya ? ) , soal nya tadi tepat nya satu harian ini gue rada menyebalkan , dan menyebarkan mood jelek ke lo semua ye .:))) ga maksud loh . tapi mulai besok, janji sehidup semati , hahaha grrrrrr ga bakal bad mood lagi . Akan ku bagikan ceria dan canda tawa ku .


perlu lo tau ya, gue nulis ini butuh perjuangan tingkat amat sangat tinggi , sambil nahan pipis soal nya . Jadi lo harus memberikan kemurahan hati , walaupun gue tau ga bakal ada yang bisa marah sama gue . ya kan ? ya kan ? yang ada pasti pada kangen deh . hahaha.

Ps : sun sayang :* smooch

kenangan oh kenangan . haha.
jijik banget

sitohang gilaa



weee. pasti seneng deh foto nya gue pampang .

waktu di kantin nunggu ujan

anak kembar sama tkw terlantar , dirumah vanessa merah

hahaha. menghabiskan waktu brsama vanessa

sama kayak yang di atas

Inget kan pasti gambar apaan ? wowowowo

the power of love . cuihh

Love hurts. I say that because I know. Love is... or was amazing. It's an incredible feeling to know what he's going to say. It's more incredible the way he has me on the edge of my seat because he's so completely random, I never know what's coming next. It's hard to explain, but he filled some void in me, and now, without him, I'm missing something again. I wonder if it will ever truly, whole heartedly be filled again. I just don't want to know what it's like to hurt any

never apologize for saying what you feel :;
 because [[ that's ]] like saying
" s o r r y f o r b e i n g r e a l“

Love? We think about it, sing about it, dream about it, lose sleep worrying about it. When we don't have it, we search for it; when we discover it, we don't know what to do with it; when we have it, we fear losing it. It is the constant source ofplea sure andpain. Be we can't predict which it will be from one moment to the next. It is a short word, easy to spell, difficult to define, impossible to live without.


Do you want to know what  MY PROBLEM  are?
I will tell you what my problem are…

I love you. I love your gorgeous smile

          I love your name I love the way you look at me

   I love the way you walk     I love your beautiful eyes
I love the sound of your   'L a u g h'
                                        i love the way you get mad

        i love the way i don't understand you at all.

              I love the way I can be having the worst day of my life


seeing you completely changes my mood

  I love how when you touch me I get weak

And that's all MY PROBLEM...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

:(((( BIG SAD

what we can't talk about

i said that i love you not to make you said you love me too.

i said that i love because i really scared that you'll be forget how much i care to you .

i said that i love you not to make you feel happy .

i said that i love because i wanna make you may realize that i am who need you for the reason why i laugh for .

:)) Mr.29